Colorectal Surgery (Mandarin)

6 – 8 March 2025

¥ 2,900¥ 12,500

* 中国大陆客户欢迎使用微信支付,请联系微信:IRCAD_CHINA 获取优惠!

Exchange rate references CNY ⇌ USD

¥2,299 ≈ $323

¥2,900 ≈ $407

¥8,499 ≈ $1,193

¥2,499 ≈ $351

¥7,699 ≈ $1,081

¥12,500 ≈ $1,755


* Notes for foreign partcipents

Upon receipt of the confirmation letter, please contact within 3 working days to provide the information needed to apply for visa. IRCAD China will cooperate with the listed documents, the information required to be filled in and the specific requirements pursuant to the effective laws and regulations. IRCAD China will not be responsible for any failure of visa processing due to incomplete submission of information after the deadline or any other reasons not related to IRCAD China.

* Fees

The course fee paid by the participant is tax inclusive, which covers the cost of the theoretical session (all participants ), the hands-on session (Full Package only), lunches during the course and one dinner in honor of all participants, invitation letters and other related formalities and assistance (applicable to non-Chinese participants). Accommodation, transportation and other additional costs incurred by participants during the course are not included.

* Contact

If you still want to register after the payment deadline, please contact to be added to the waiting list. If there are any additional seats, you will be contacted in the order of receiving the email.

* Refund fees

  • 45 days (inclusive) or more before the course commencement date: 100% refund
  • 31 days (inclusive) to 44 days prior to the course commencement date: 50% refund
  • 15 days (inclusive) to 30 days prior to the course commencement date: 30% refund
  • Up to and including 14 days prior to the course commencement date: No refund

* Others

  • No refunds will be given to participants who enrolled under the Early Bird discount. If the participant is unable to attend the course due to his/her own reasons, he/she can choose to postpone to other courses at the same price
  • If a course is delayed or cancelled due to IRCAD China’s own reasons, the student may choose to receive a full refund or be adjusted to another course, but IRCAD China will not indemnify any claims for damages.
  • All discounts and offers are non-stackable and discount codes cannot be used repeatedly. Overseas Alumni please contact to obtain the coupon code.


  • Interactive theoretical and video sessions between Faculty and course participants
  • Live and pre-recorded operative demonstrations
  • Objective assessment of skills and hands-on training on ex-vivo and in-vivo tissues


  • To provide basic knowledge required for safe use of laparoscopic surgery
  • To describe all technical (instruments, trocars, energy sources…) and physiology principles of laparoscopic surgery
  • To critically review the most common laparoscopic surgical procedures
  • To learn or improve laparoscopic skills by repeatedly practicing suturing, knot tying and performing surgical procedures during hands-on sessions

Colorectal Surgery (Mandarin)

SKU 25COLORECTAL-3 Categories ,



Chinese Director

International Director

Chinese Faculty

International Faculty

Chinese Trainer



Live Surgery & Theory Course

– Laparoscopic radical left hemicolectomy for colon cancer (both wings)
– Pre-recorded
– Laparoscopic radical rectal cancer

Hands-on Session – Live Tissues

Operative Procedures

– Operative strategy
– Right ileocolic resection and anastomosis
– Left sigmoid resection with end-to-end Knight Griffen anastomosis

Live Surgery & Pre-recorded

– Robotic Radical Resection
– Pre-recorded video
– Laparoscopic radical right hemicolectomy (Arterial-guided)

Hands-on Session – Live Tissues

Surgical Procedures
– Operative strategy
– Vascular approach
– Mechanical anastomosis of the small intestine

Theory Session – Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery

– Prevention and management of postoperative anastomotic leakage in bowel cancer
– Different approaches and anastomoses for laparoscopic right hemicolectomy
– Choice of reconstructive approach for radical surgery of low rectal cancer
– Vascular management and splenic flexure release in laparoscopic radical left hemicolectomy (both wings)
– Detailed steps of pelvic mobilization for radical rectal cancer surgery
– Vascular management and plane identification in rectal cancer surgery

Additional information

Course Options

Lectures & Live Tissue Full Package, Theoretical lectures only

List of hotels recomended by IRCAD China

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Early Bird purchases are non-refundable.

Free Cancellation until 45 days Prior to the course starting date, otherwise we will charge you a cancellation fee in the following:
Day prior
Cancellation fee
45 days (including) and more
100% Refund
44 days (including) – 31 days
75% Refund
30 days (including) – 15 days
50% Refund
14 days (including) – 0 days
No Refund

Conference Room



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